I'd planned to have my running days as Tues, Thurs and Sat for each week and, within the first week of the plan, I had my schedule scuppered!
Through a combination of work demands and personal stuff, running yesterday was a genuine impossibility so I've shifted my schedule for the week to be Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Back to the original plan next week.
Day 2 was a strange one. From an 'ohmigodicantbreathe' point of view, I seemed to find it a lot easier than Day 1. I found a rhythm early on with my breathing and didn't really get out of breathe the entire session. However, I felt a weakness in my leg muscles (thighs mainly) and my right knee that I didn't experience first time round so at the end of the session part of me was delighted it was over, another part felt there was more fuel in the tank.
I'm happy to not have used yesterday's disruption as an excuse to put the plan off until next week (or the week after, or the week after...) and even happier that the stresses and strains of work / home didn't lead me to the bar.
On the topic of booze, it's just after 9pm UK time on a Friday night and as I type this, I'm sipping at Apple and Strawberry cordial. No booze in sight, and this is one of my supposed drinking days. The feverish urge to crack open a cold one as soon as I got in from the office 'because it's Friday' just wasn't there today, and even now I don't feel a real urge for a beer.
How's it going? Finished week 1 myself, but thinking of repeating in order for my knee to toughen up, which aches a bit on either side (tendons?). Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHiya, finished yesterday and felt day 3 was the most enjoyable session of all. No major aches and pains, but I'm not sure this would be the case if I'd been road running rather than using the elliptical.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame you for staying with week 1 if you're getting some pain; the program seems to be most effective by listening to your body rather than risk injury and putting yourself out of the game.
Congrats on finishing week 1, feels good doesn't it?!